8 Tips to Store Firewood
Proper storage keeps the firewood in good condition so that we can always enjoy a great fire when it gets cold at the cottage.
Checklist to Store and Protect Firewood
We work hard to cut and split firewood for the cottage, so it makes sense to store the firewood in a way that ensures it won’t rot and get infested with bugs. Rotten wood produces less heat.
1. Keep the wood pile at least 30 feet away from the cabin and any outbuilding. Wood piles attract spiders, ants, termites, beetles, mice and snakes.
2. Use a firewood rack to store the wood in an organized way.
3. Wood should not be in contact with the ground. Elevate the wood at least 3-4 inches to provide adequate air flow, reduce rotting, and minimize critter nests and insect infestations.
4. Stack the wood in a way that exposes the ends of the logs to the air. Most of the moisture evaporates out of the ends during the drying out period.
5. Stack the wood in a manner that allows for some airflow through the pile.
6. Do not cover the firewood in the 12 – 18 months that it is being left to dry out. The cover will trap the moisture inside the wood.
7. Once the wood is adequately dried out, place a loose tarp over the top layer of the wood stack to keep it dry.
8. Remove the bark before taking the wood into the cabin. It has limited burn value and contains most of the nasty bugs.
Best firewood rack for the cabin
A sturdy firewood rack keeps the firewood organized and off the ground. Avoiding ground moisture will help slow the rotting process and keep your wood in good condition for a longer time. The rack is also useful for keeping the bugs and snakes from turning the wood pile into a condo.
Use a firewood tote bag to easily carry the logs to the wood stove.
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