8 Tips to Store Firewood
Proper storage keeps the firewood in good condition so that we can always enjoy a great fire when it gets cold at the cottage. Read the full article
Firewood Tips: How to Split Wood
Knowing how to properly split wood with an axe saves time, energy, and frustration at the cottage. A few simple tricks can make the difference between a productive afternoon of splitting wood and one that leaves you wishing you had a mechanical wood splitter. Read the full article
Forest Tent Caterpillar Facts
The forest tent caterpillar (FTC) is a native insect that feeds on the leaves of various hardwood trees including aspen, birch, basswood and oak. Read the full article
Living With Forest Tent Caterpillars
Forest Tent Caterpillars appear in massive outbreaks every 8-12 years and the infestations can run for two or three seasons. Read the full article
Facts about carpenter ants
Carpenter ants are a common site at the cabin. Unfortunately, an infestation can ruin the entire building. Here are some top tips on ways to control and get rid of carpenter ants at the cottage. Read the full article
How to get rid of mosquitoes
Mosquitoes in the yard can be controlled naturally and bites can be avoided by following a few simple tricks at the cabin or lake house. Read the full article
How To Pick Blueberries
Whether you are a cabin owner, renter or guest, the best technique to pick blueberries is one that allows you to do it in an efficient and safe way. Here is how you can maximize your berries, minimize bug bites and avoid bears. Read the full article
Ticks and Lyme Disease
The blacklegged tick (ixodes scapularis), also known as a deer tick, is expanding its range and can carry and transmit Lyme disease as well as a number of other ailments. Read the full article
Bats in the Cabin
Do you have bats in your cottage?
Bats around the cabin are useful for controlling insects, but they become a big problem when they decide to move into the cottage. Read the full article
Bears Around the Cottage
Prevention is the key to avoiding a showdown with a bear at the cabin or cottage. Read the full article